Who We Are

windmill ocean
About Newcastle Offshore Wind
A Collaboration with Local Pioneers

Before the concept of an offshore wind farm emerged, local sustainability pioneers and avid surfers, Steve McCall, Jeff Burns, and Richard Finlay-Jones were already shaping the vision for a cleaner, renewable energy future in the Hunter region.

Their commitment to offshore wind was ignited by the erection of a wind turbine on Kooragang Island (near Newcastle) in the early 1990s, and only further fuelled when it was removed in 2016.

windmill ocean

In 2019, after persistent lobbying, they realised the need for a partnership with a renewables market leader. EDF Renewables, the renewable arm of the 100% French state-owned EDF Group, emerged as the perfect ally, aligning seamlessly with the local team’s values and commitment to community well-being and environmental stewardship.

EDF Renewables brings unparalleled global experience and expertise to the collaboration. The EDF Group currently operates six offshore wind farms globally, with four more projects under construction including a cutting-edge floating wind turbine initiative.

EDF Renewables is committed to transforming the NSW electricity system into one that is clean and reliable.

Recognising the potential impacts of offshore wind on marine activities, whale migration, game fishing, and visual aesthetics, EDF Renewables actively engages with the local community to share its knowledge and passion for offshore wind energy. EDF is acutely aware of the importance of respectful development and ongoing conversations with locals to address both positive and negative aspects of offshore wind.

The Newcastle Offshore Wind Project

Located near the Port of Newcastle and transmission networks, the Hunter Offshore Wind Project is poised to significantly contribute to the electricity grid supply as local coal-fired power stations retire. The project plans to install wind turbines anchored to modern floating foundations, leveraging the consistent wind streams off the coast of Newcastle.

Beyond its environmental benefits, the Newcastle Offshore Wind Project aspires to be a catalyst for economic opportunities in the region. By nurturing onshore supply chains and generating thousands of jobs for skilled tradespeople in the Hunter, the project aims to propel the region into cleaner, modern industries, aligning with the broader goal of a sustainable and vibrant future.

EDF has submitted an application for a feasibility licence for exclusion rights to a zone within the Hunter Declared area. If all unfolds as planned, construction is anticipated to commence later this decade, with the first electric power flowing into the NSW energy market in the early 2030s.

EDF Renewables is proud to be at the forefront of the Newcastle Offshore Wind Project, paving the way toward a sustainable and vibrant future for Newcastle and the broader community.

As a global leader in renewable energy, EDF is excited about embracing the winds of change and contributing to the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future in Australia.

Newcastle Offshore Wind
About Us
A World Leader

EDF Group

EDF Group is the second-largest electricity producer in the world. EDF's global power generation capacity originates from its hydroelectric, nuclear, onshore wind, offshore wind, and solar photovoltaic innovative and modern assets.

EDF Renewables

EDF Renewables is an international energy company which develops, builds and operates renewable power generation plants. As a major player in the energy transition worldwide, EDF Renewables deploys, within EDF, competitive, responsible and value-creating projects.

We work across the entire lifecycle of renewable energy infrastructure from planning through to development, financing, construction, and long-term operation and maintenance. This means we are able to control the quality and performance of our assets in the most economic, environmental, and socially responsible ways possible.

EDF Renewables Australia

EDF Renewables Australia was established in 2017. To date, EDF Renewables Australia has successfully developed and secured a large portfolio of wind and solar power generation opportunities across Australia.

EDF Renewables Australia is committed to helping Australia meet its renewable energy goals, and will continue to invest in the development of new renewables projects across the country.

The Banana Range Wind Farm will be the first project for EDF Renewables Australia.

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10 GW

capacity with 15-20
wind turbines

wind turbine

25+ km

off the coast of

home icon Newcastle Offshore Wind

5.5 million

average homes
potentially powered
each year

Power Newcastle Offshore Wind


with the region

Meet Our Team

Dan Hansen


Dr Richard Finlay-Jones

Head Of Development

Bernhard Voll

Technical Officer

Jeff Burns

Head Of People and Culture

Steve McCall

Financial Controller
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Community Activities

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Donec luctus tincidunt interdum. Curabitur mauris sem, egestas eget iaculis sed, aliquam id nisi. Nam non vestibulum mauris.

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